About sphynx

About sphynx 

Sphynx cats have wonderful personalities. Apart from having extraordinary personalities, they are very loveable, curious, attention seeking, sensitive, affectionate and social cats. They love to be in the middle of whatever you are doing. They are very active and playful. They love to cuddle and sleep with you under the covers when they get tired. 
Even though Sphynx cats are considered "hairless" cats, this is not always true. They can have some fuzz- similar to peach fuzz on their bodies. This can come and go throughout their life. They can also have hair on their nose, ears, feet and tail etc.
Once you own a Sphynx you will never go back to the everyday "cat". Sphynx cats are simply superior in cleanliness and you never have to worry about cat hair left on your furniture or clothes. Sphynx cats are not completely hypo-allergenic, but the lack of hair and a weekly and/or bi-weekly bath seem to eliminate or at least reduce the reaction in those few people who have a reaction to them.

Caring for a sphynx 

There are a few challenges to caring for a sphynx cat, from their delicate skin, diet, teeth, and more. 
Due to their lack of hair, Sphynx tends to have oilier skin. One way to manage this is by bathing your cat regularly or consider products like cat wipes. Sphynx cats require baths every one to two weeks. These methods and materials help to eliminate excess oil and prevent future skin irritations. Try an all-natural moisturizer like coconut oil to create the perfect skin routine for your pet. Coconut oil helps to protect the natural skin barrier and keeps your hairless cat feeling hydrated. 
Sphynx cats have large ears, so wax and dirt build-up frequently. Use a cotton swab to wipe away any ear residue. For stubborn build-up, try set of Wipes & Pet Spray for Sensitive Skin to gently clean your cat’s ears with natural solutions that also fight infections.
Hairless cats do not have eyelashes to stop dust from entering. Use a pet-safe cleansing solution or damp material like hypoallergenic cat wipes to clean them. 
Maintaining a room temperature atmosphere for your hairless cat is the best option for their sensitive skin. During the seasons like winter, wrap your cat in warm blankets or dress them in pet clothing. During the hotter seasons, your sphynx can overheat, so allow cool air to circulate through the household to create a relaxed environment. 
Sphynx eat more often than the average cat. They lose body heat quickly, so they feed regularly to maintain their internal system. Your sphynx can eat three times a day or until satisfied, so always have nutritional food available. Sphynx are not picky eaters. If you follow a nutrient-rich diet, they will eagerly eat and live healthy lives.